Tamtrans 93 Ltd is your trusted solution for transport and logistics.

No matter of the specifics of your cargos, we are always ready to provide reliable and efficient solutions for their transportation.

Road freight transport
Air freight transport
Warehouse logistics
Cargo insurance
Customs representation

About Us

Tamtrans 93 Ltd is a leading company in the field of transport, forwarding and logistics. Our team is consisted of reliable freight forwarders who have many years of experience and knowledge in the field of global logistics. We claim to be a reliable partner for your transport needs.

Our main aim is to provide comprehensive transport solutions to meet your needs. We have the experience and ability to offer road and air freight transport, as well as an effective system for warehouse logistics. In that way, we can offer you transport solutions that are accurate and timely, no matter of the type of the goods and destinations.

An important part of our service is also cargo insurance, which provides you with additional safety during the transportation of your cargo. We understand the importance of the safety of your goods during their transportation and we are working with leading insurance companies to provide you the best coverage.

We also offer customs representation that frees you from the care associated with customs procedures and allows you to focus on your business aims while we take care of transport and all related aspects.

Tamtrans 93 Ltd. is your trusted solution for transport and logistics. We believe there are no boundaries, and we are here to help your cargo to reach exactly where it is needed, at the right time that satisfies you.

Road freight transport

The road freight transport is extremely important part of the supply chain. Striving to meet the high requirements of our customers we have developed a supply chain through which we can provide transport with all types freight vehicles to meet all your requirements. The destinations to which we can provide road freight transport are from and to all Europe countries, countries outside the European Union, as well as domestic transport in Bulgaria.

  • Express delivery by minibus.
    You can choose between box minibus or curtainsider one.

    Dimensions: 4,2/2/2 m.

    Load capacity: up to 1000-1500 kilograms

  • Partial loadings (LTL) or full truck loadings (FTL) with trucks and trucks with semi-trailers.

    Dimensions of a truck: 7/2,45/2,5 m.

    Load capacity: up to 5000 – 10 000 kilograms

    Dimensions of a truck with semi-trailer: 13,6/2,45/2,7 m.

    Load capacity: up to 24 000 – 25 000 kilograms

  • Megatrailers and trucks with trailers for volumetric loads.

    Dimensions of megatrailer: 13,6/2.45/3 m.

    Load capacity: up to 22 000 kilograms

    Dimensions of truck with trailer: 7/2.45/2.5 m. + 7/2.45/3 m.

    Load capacity: up to 20 000 kilograms

  • Freight transport with frigo trucks

    In case your cargo need to be transported under temperature control, we can provide frigo trucks for loading. You determine the temperature at which it is necessary the goods to be transported, we execute your requirements. We also provide thermo tape after transportation.

  • Specialized transport with open trucks for oversized loads.

  • Transportation of cars on the territory of Bulgaria and Europe.

Air freight transport

  • We also offer air freight transport, through which we carry out express deliveries all over the world. Air freight transport is the fastest and the most reliable way to transport your cargoes. This type of transport allows you to deliver your goods to hard-to-reach and remote areas. Reduced delivery time is suitable for perishable and valuable goods, documents and correspondence. The distance between cities, states, continents is covered in hours, not in days.

Warehouse logistics

  • Warehouse logistics is an essential part of every supply chain. When the goods are not transported from one place to another, they are stored in warehouses. Goods constantly are arriving in warehouses where they are stored for a certain period, after which we sent them to their consignees. For your convinience we have secured warehouses in Sofia, Plovdiv, Stara Zagora, Burgas, Varna, Targovishte, Ruse and Veliko Tarnovo.

Cargo insurance

  • With us you can conclude Cargo insurance, which provides insurance coverage for all types of cargoes, goods, items, etc. transported by sea, land, river, air or combined transport against loss or damage as a result of the occurrence of an insured event during their transportation from or to any point in the world or on the territory of Bulgaria.

Customs representation

  • We offer customs representation in Bulgaria. We take care of the full customs service of your cargoes – from the preparing of the documents to the customs clearance of the goods. Our task is always to be informed about the latest legal requirements and regulations for import and export of goods in order to offer you appropriate and quick solutions. We know what are the specific requirements for each good and we strictly implement them. You can fully trust us about customs clearance for your goods.


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  • Road freight transport
  • Air freight transport
  • Warehouse logistics
  • Cargo insurance
  • Customs representation
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